Sunday, October 23, 2016

October Happenings

Dear Parents,

I've been experiencing some technical difficulties with this blogger app and our class website.  I am sorry that I have not updated this blog in the last few weeks.  I'm hoping that if you are reading this message that our blog is working?!  We sure have been busy learning and playing in kindergarten since I've last posted. October is an exciting time filled with so many fun activities.  I'm including some pictures of your children having fun this month.  I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's adjustment and progress at your child's parent and teacher conference within the next few weeks!

                                                                                         Thanks for your support and understanding,


                                                            The Indian Ladder Farm Trip:

                                                                     Literacy Centers:

                                            Painting farm animals for the dramatic play center:

                                                Reading and acting out farm themed stories:

                                                                  October play centers:

                                    Thank you, Mr. Kufel for helping us make a sheep for our barn!

                                   Meeting Mrs. Beyers, our school's School Counselor, at K-Time:

                                                                        Math games:

                                  Thank you, Mrs. Reyes, for helping us paint a pig for our barn!

                                                   Farmers selling food at our farm stand:

                                           Singing songs about farm animals with Mrs. Upton:

                                                          A tractor ride through the farm:

                                                               More Farm Trip fun:

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