
READING HOMEWORK:  Please read with your child daily.  Assigned reading will not be sent home until later in the school year.  Once we begin assigned reading please have your child read the book to you and then return your child's book to school the following day.  I will provide a plastic zip lock bag to store books.  Please make sure your child's bag and reading log is also returned daily.  I will send home assigned books Monday thru Thursday.  I will not send home assigned books over the weekend, school holidays, or school breaks.

MATH HOMEWORK:  We will have math 5 days a week; one day will be a math game day.  At Open House I will be sending home the math practice book for homework.  This homework workbook can be kept at home.  You will find the directions for each problem at the bottom of the page.  Some directions may ask your child to use counters to solve the math problem.  Feel free to use any small object from around your home as a counter.  For example, pasta, pompoms, stickers, Q-tips, Legos, or pennies work great! 

You do not need to send homework back to school once you have completed it.  However, if your child has some difficulty with a certain skill or concept I would like to know so that I can review this again with your child.  Please feel free to write me a note and attach it to the specific homework the following day. 

MATH FACTS HOMEWORK:  In addition to the Go Math homework, your child should be practicing addition and subtraction math facts 0-10 daily.  The best way to memorize math facts is by using flash cards.  You can make your own or purchase a pack of cards.  These math fact flash cards can be kept at home for daily practice.

HANDWRITING HOMEWORK:  We will be learning how to form and write the letters of the alphabet in school.  I will be sending handwriting homework for you to practice at home as we learn each letter.  I will be teaching how to print 1-2 letters per week.  These practice papers also do not need to be returned to school.

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