SNACK: We will be having snack around 9am daily. Please provide your child with one quick and healthy snack and drink each day. It is helpful to keep your child's snack packed in a separate container or bag from their lunch. We do have children in our class with food allergies this year. Due to some students with peanut and tree nut allergies our classroom is a NUT AWARE room. This means that your child is NOT allowed to bring snacks into the room that contain any PEANUTS or TREE NUTS or PEANUT BUTTER. It is very important that you read all the ingredients on the food wrappers to make sure that your child's snack doesn't contain nuts of any kind or that it's been made in a factory that processes nuts or peanut butter. Thank you for helping me keep all the children in our classroom safe.
SNEAKERS: On Physical Education (P.E.) days your child needs to wear sneakers to school to play in the gym. Sneakers must be worn if your child plays on the playground equipment. Your child will not be allowed to play on the climbing equipment if they are wearing sandals.
DISMISSAL: If your child will not be following their regular dismissal procedures please let me know by sending in a note or by contacting the school's main office. Please DO NOT send me an email about a change in your child's dismissal routine. Our day in Kindergarten can be quite busy and I can not guarantee that I will read your email request during the day.
RECESS: When weather permits, we will be going outside on the playground for recess daily. Please make sure your child is properly dressed for the seasons and changing weather conditions. (coats, jackets, hats, gloves, mittens, sneakers, etc.)
EXTRA CLOTHES: Sometimes spills and bathroom accidents happen in kindergarten. Feel free to send in a bag of extra clothes (appropriate to the season) and underwear. I will store them in your child's cubby bucket, if needed.
THURSDAY MAILINGS: On Thursdays the GES main office sends out most of their "mail" or important information from our PTA, office, or the district. At times, your child's mail folder can be rather full. Please remember to empty your child's folder and read through the "mail" carefully. Sometimes my important information will also be included on this day as well.
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