Monday, January 30, 2017

How to Make Slime!

Today we started a new non-fiction writing unit called How To.  During this unit I will be teaching the children how to write a book that explains the steps of how to do something.  This morning we combined a little science to our first writing How To lesson.  I taught the kids how to make SLIME!  They had a blast!  They even got to bring home some slime.

If you'd like to try this science experiment at home here is what you need:

  • dish
  • spoon
  • food coloring
  • 1 cup of cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup of water
Making the Slime:
  1. Pour 1/2 cup of water into the dish.
  2. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water.
  3. Add 1cup of cornstarch a little at a time.
  4. Stir the mixture well.
  5. Add more cornstarch as needed.  (It will look like a liquid, but it will feel like a solid!)
Have Fun!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Purple Day

Today we celebrated another school spirit day to go along with our GES food drive.  Today the kindergarten classes were invited to wear purple for the day!  Happy Purple day!

Thank you to all who have donated food items for the food drive.  We will continue to collect food items until the week of February 13th.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Pajama Day tomorrow!

Student Council is sponsoring a food drive throughout the next few weeks.
Our first spirit day to go along with this food drive will begin tomorrow.

We will have a pajama day TOMORROW, January 20th!  

If your child wishes to participate please send your child into school wearing their pajamas.  
Please make sure your child wears their sneakers for PE class.

Thank you for also sending in a non-perishable food item for our GES food drive collection!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year!

Welcome back and Happy New Year 2017!

Today we welcomed a new friend in kindergarten.  Her name is Ava!  She has just moved to New York from New Jersey.  We are excited to get to know her and we are glad she could join our class!