Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Super Hero Training Camp

We have been having fun in our dramatic play center: Super Hero Training Camp!

Today we be came kinder, stronger, and braver by participating in some superhero activities.  
We also learned ways to be a super friend, a hero helper, and a captain to kindness.  We strengthen our muscles by lifting "weights" and a big "rock".  We practiced using our "laser vision" by throwing beanbags at a target.  And we survived a walk through "Hot Lava"!

Rock of Strength:

Laser Vision Practice:

Hot Lava Walk:

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Super Readers...Super Powers!

This week during Reading Workshop we started a new reading unit: Super Powers!  To begin the unit, I read the class the book:  Ten Rules of Being a Superhero.  In our dramatic play area we will be turning our house into a Superhero Training Camp.  It will there that the kids will be training to be kinder, stronger, smarter, and braver!

During this new reading unit I will be teaching the children that they are now super readers with super powers.  Readers have super powers to look, point, and read everything they can!  Within each of these reading powers is a tool or strategy for reading.  They received their superhero capes on Tuesday and they were so excited to try them out!

This morning, Reader Man, left us a note in a web.  He also left us special pointer tools for reading.  We went around the room and school using these pointers to read words and sentences.  We were so excited that there were many "snap" words or sight words that we have been learning.

We will be learning a lot of new reading strategies (powers) within the next two months.  I will be sending home a book in a bag for homework soon.  A paper will be included in this bag to help you help your child activate their reading powers.  Your child will be super excited to use their reading powers with you at home as they read books to you.

Check out some Super Reader Fun:

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


We had so much fun yesterday afternoon at our Halloween parade and party!  Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped at our Halloween party.  I hope you all enjoyed some Halloween fun at home while trick or treating with your child last night.  We all we a little tired this morning, me included!

Here's a glimpse at our fun day yesterday:

On Halloween morning...

After reading the book: The Little Old Lady Who was Not Afraid of Anything, we retold the story by going on a walk in the trails behind our school.  We even saw the items from the book hanging on the trees!  They included: two shoes that went clomp, clomp, one pair of pants that went wiggle wiggle, one shirt that went shake, shake, one pair of white gloves that went clap, clap,  one hat that went nod, nod.  And one scary pumpkin head that went BOO, BOO!!

Halloween afternoon...

The Halloween Parade and Party:

 Witches Hat Ring Toss

 Guess Who?  Oh, That's Mrs. Meehan and Mrs. Makowski!

 Mummy Craft

 Halloween bead bracelets

 Watching the parade

 Halloween Bingo`

 Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin